Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Footsteps Awarded National Trust - Mid Ulster Properties Tender

Footsteps is proud to announce that they have been successfully awarded the tender to provide historical interpretation for the the Mid Ulster Properties of the National Trust. For Springhill House, Moneymore, Co. Londonderry, Footsteps will be complimenting the established living history interpretation at Springhill on special event days throughout the season commemorating the Lenox-Conyngham family's link to the Titanic. Further information for these special events can be viewed at http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/springhill/.

Footsteps will also be writing, developing and performing a special historical interpretation performance that will commemorate the sinking of H.M Troop Ship Birkenhead and that will compliment the already excellent house tours for The Argory, Moy, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. Captain Shelton Bond, one of the subsequent owners of The Argory, was, at that time, a Cornet on board the Birkenhead when it was transporting troops to Algoa Bay, Africa. The Birkenhead left Simons Bay, Cape Town and sailed north along the East coast of South Africa and perished on Danger Point, in 1852. Shelton Bond survived and his return home will be brought to life for all visitors attending these special event days. Further information for these events can be viewed at http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/argory/.

For further information on how Footsteps can bring your event, venue or site to life please contact us by visiting www.footstepshistoricalinterpretation.co.uk or by emailing Robert Forshaw at robertforshaw843@btinternet.com

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Footsteps Awarded Strabane Council Walking Tour Development Tender

Footsteps Historical Interpretation & Drama Consultants are very pleased to announce that they have been successful in gaining the tender to write & develop the new walking tour for Strabane District Council. Over the next couple of months Footsteps will be writing the new tour, in consultation with the Tourism Development Officer, Philip McShane. Footsteps will also be training all the new tour guides as well as producing a training DVD and a tourism film, highlighting some of the more interesting historical figures of the area. Updates will be posted  throughout the process.

Should you be interested in finding out how Footsteps can assist you in your events, training or entertainment, visit our website at www.footstepshistoricalinterpretation.co.uk or email Robert Forshaw, owner of Footsteps, at robertforshaw843@btinternet.com.